A very good month well above september (+75%) with record earnings on six of the microstock sites and for the first time earnings were above the $100 mark.
A very good month well above september (+75%) with record earnings on six of the microstock sites and for the first time earnings were above the $100 mark.
Microstock one by one
- SS (+ 35%) BME. Number one once again this month but only by few cents. Still a long way to reach $ 500 to get an increase in payment but eventually it will happen. A good mix of new and old pictures sold this month. For three months in a row, the best performing microstock with 43.3 % (0.43 c per picture of the portfolio). 100+ portfolio this month
- FT (+ 435%) Finally, FT is doing better with earnings multiplied by three compared to last month making it a BME. Performance up from 2.8 to 8.9 %. However still no EL since June….. 500+ portolio.
- DT (+ 3%) Sales are stable compared to last month but still a BME. Global performance of 5.9%. Acceptance down this month to 56%.
- IS (+ 60%) BME and second best performing stock after SS with 14.9%. However a not so glorious record: only two pictures uploaded this month were accepted!
- 123RF (+ 13%) Best month ever and 123RF continue its slow progression. I am not sure about the impact of the free pics the sales but I sold a large size of the free picture. Very fast review under 24h.
- SXP (+ 400%) Few sales this month but very difficult to increase the size portfolio because of though reviews. Subscription sales started but not for me yet. Performance : 5.7%
- LO,CT,BSP,CSP very slow month for these sites once again each having less than 2% of the earnings.
Despite no uploads this month, few sales on CSP this month probably due to their special offer for subscriptions until the end of October.
CT: new website version very sleek and fast but sales are still slow (1 this month) - Still no sales on SV and FP….
Miscellaneous stats
- 275 pictures sold (184 on SS)
- Days without sales: 1
- Best day: $ 8.93 (11/10)
- Most pictures sold in one day: 19
- 1820 total pictures on 12 microstocks (328 exclusives on FT)
- Top 3 pictures take 13 % of total earnings (all 3 new uploads)
Top three sales ($ 15.81)
Detailled earnings . Figures in USD. Note: 100 % global performance is defined by a portfolio with an average of sales of $ 1 per picture
% Earnings for all microstocks
What’s next?
- Set new goal of $ 200/month by the end of the year
- Continue uploads on SS,IS,DT,CT,SXP,123RF,FT,LO
- Add 50 more pictures on SS