Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October earnings


A very good month well above september (+75%) with record earnings on six of the microstock sites and for the first time earnings were above the $100 mark.

Microstock one by one

  • SS (+ 35%) BME. Number one once again this month but only by few cents. Still a long way to reach $ 500 to get an increase in payment but eventually it will happen. A good mix of new and old pictures sold this month. For three months in a row, the best performing microstock with 43.3 % (0.43 c per picture of the portfolio). 100+ portfolio this month

  • FT (+ 435%) Finally, FT is doing better with earnings multiplied by three compared to last month making it a BME. Performance up from 2.8 to 8.9 %. However still no EL since June….. 500+ portolio.

  • DT (+ 3%) Sales are stable compared to last month but still a BME. Global performance of 5.9%. Acceptance down this month to 56%.

  • IS (+ 60%) BME and second best performing stock after SS with 14.9%. However a not so glorious record: only two pictures uploaded this month were accepted!

  • 123RF (+ 13%) Best month ever and 123RF continue its slow progression. I am not sure about the impact of the free pics the sales but I sold a large size of the free picture. Very fast review under 24h.

  • SXP (+ 400%) Few sales this month but very difficult to increase the size portfolio because of though reviews. Subscription sales started but not for me yet. Performance : 5.7%
  • LO,CT,BSP,CSP very slow month for these sites once again each having less than 2% of the earnings.
    Despite no uploads this month, few sales on CSP this month probably due to their special offer for subscriptions until the end of October.
    CT: new website version very sleek and fast but sales are still slow (1 this month)
  • Still no sales on SV and FP….

Miscellaneous stats

  • 275 pictures sold (184 on SS)
  • Days without sales: 1
  • Best day: $ 8.93 (11/10)
  • Most pictures sold in one day: 19
  • 1820 total pictures on 12 microstocks (328 exclusives on FT)
  • Top 3 pictures take 13 % of total earnings (all 3 new uploads)

Top three sales ($ 15.81)

Detailled earnings . Figures in USD. Note: 100 % global performance is defined by a portfolio with an average of sales of $ 1 per picture

% Earnings for all microstocks

What’s next?

  • Set new goal of $ 200/month by the end of the year

  • Continue uploads on SS,IS,DT,CT,SXP,123RF,FT,LO

  • Add 50 more pictures on SS

Monday, October 1, 2007

September earnings


A month of September a bit slower than expected but still a BME with 12 % increase in earnings which just managed to break the $70 mark. Overall, sales were less frequent than august with 4 days without earnings with week ends much slower than last month. Top three images made more than last month taking a bit more than 20 % of the total earning.
After FT, some other microstock agencies experienced technical problems (IS,DT,BSP) which confirms the fact that it is safer to be non exclusive especially with a small portfolio… Also acceptance rates are fluctuating for me this month: going up on CT, DT, going down on FT
The question I was asking last month is answered: amongst BSP,CT,123RF,LO,CSP, 123RF and CT are the clear winners in term of earnings.

Microstock one by one
  • SS (-2.7 % in earnings): For two months in a row the best site in term of earnings and portfolio performance. Performance a bit lower this month with 41.9 % ($ 0.42 per image of the portfolio) taking just under 50% of the earnings. Apparently the search engine was modified this month changing the pattern of the sales and giving advantage to old pictures. Review time is always under 24 hours …

  • FT (-12.1 %): Managed to hold its position this month but another disappointing month with again this month a decrease in earnings. Sales are very irregular also and a poor performance of 2.8 %. It is worth noting also that the reviews were more severe this month.

  • DT (+200 %): A nice surprise this month with an increase of 200% in earnings and a surprisingly excellent acceptance rate of 84.4 % (was 66.7 last month). Portfolio performance: 7 %.

  • IS (+18.3 %): A slight increase of the earnings compared to last month but without the technical problems sales might have been even better. Portfolio performance: 8.2 %.
  • 123RF (+337 %): The biggest increase among all the sites. I put some free pictures on my portfolio to see if it has really has an effect on the sales. Portfolio performance: 2.4 %.
  • CT: Few sales this month, apparently the marketing campaign pays off and it is worth mentioning CT eased it reviewing process so the acceptance should go up. Hopefully sales will continue next month.
  • SXP: First sales this month but unfortunately reviewing process was very slow which explains the small portfolio.
    LO,CSP: Not sales there this month despite uploads……
    SV,FP : no sales, no uploads…

    Miscellaneous stats

  • 184 pictures sold (134 on SS)
  • Days without sales: 4
  • Best day: $ 6.07 (06/09)
  • Most pictures sold in one day: 13
  • 1557 total pictures on 12 microstocks (328 exclusives on FT)
  • Top 3 pictures take 21 % of total earnings
Detailled earnings . Figures in USD. Note: 100 % global performance is defined by a portfolio with an average of sales of $ 1 per picture

Top 3 sales

What's next?
1. Focus on 8 microstocks: SS,IS,DT,CT,SXP,123RF,FT,LO and pause uploads for SV,BSP,CSP,FP
2. Upload at least 20 pics on SS