Monday, June 1, 2009

May 2009 earnings


Like last year, May sets up a new high for microstock earnings.The most strinking development is that after 24 months, SS lost its number spot to Istock. Two BME to report at IS and SCP this month and a record of $ 0.77 per dl.
I joined Isyndica this month to make my uploading task easier and spread pictures to more agencies . It will be interesting to see if it will help reach my long expected $ 500 target. I will blog on this subject later on.

Microstock one by one

  • IS. Put all other agencies in the dust this month and sets the record for the most money made by one agency. Even without the 2 EL, IS would have end up ahead of SS. RPI=0.51
  • SS. 9 OD's sales and just above $ 100 this month . Earnings down 20% compared to last year with 500 more pictures online ! Growing earnings at SS appear quite limited for the future.... SS represented this month only 25 % of my total earnings compared to 37% last year.
  • FT. Back to number 3 spot but still on the same flat line despite continuous uploading....
  • SXP. Down from last month but overall satisfying earnings. It looks like that since Getty got on board some files were desactivated because of IP problems. I noticed that some reviews were not very consistent this month.
  • DT. Big drop this month , looks like level 2 and level 3 images are not selling anymore.....
  • BSP and 123RF: quite far from DT in term of earnings with RPI of 0.01......

  • Less than 1 % of earnings:CSP, CT (got my 1st payout :)

Earnings in USD